The Community Newsletter
February 27, 2010
Second Annual Snowshoe Trip
February 24, 2010
News from the Totally Awesome Tigers!
As you may already know, we have a new group name...The Marvelous Martians are now theeeee...drum roll please...TOTALLY AWESOME TIGERS!
Did someone say pajama party?!! Well, I guess we all did at some time! The excitement level of the Tigers was very high today in anticipation of the fun to come tomorrow! Be sure to ask your child about our festivities Thursday night!
It was soooo exciting to come back to school on the 100th day!!!!! Can you make an equation using more than 3 numbers that equals 100? It is challenging, but the Ferns were up for it! While the ferns were busy working their ways to 100, the Suns were working their ways to 100 in another way. There are so many numbers between 1 and 100 and it is sometimes hard to know which number comes next! The Suns worked on filling in the missing numbers on 100's charts!
What did the acorn say when it grew up? "Gee, I'm a tree!" He he! We have begun studying the wonderful and exciting world of geometry! Our unit begins with 2-D shapes. We are looking at shapes, naming them and describing them. It is interesting to think about shapes, and the many questions that arise. Is a triangle still a triangle if it is turned? Where does a circle begin? How many lines are in a circle? How long does a rectangle have to be to be a rectangle?
We had fun hunting for shapes in our classroom! We were excited to find that shapes are in everything! Literally, everything is made of shapes! To illustrate this, we made our own book "A Circle is a Circle Until..." that shows common shapes disguised in everyday items!
We created our own abstract circle art in spirit of the Abstract Circles of Wassily Kandinsky. Check these out on display now!
Language Arts
In honor of the 100th day of school, we chose a "100" question to write about. The questions were "What will you be like at the age of 100?" and "What do you think the world will be like in 100 years?" Students chose either question, wrote their thoughts, and created an illustration!
Phonics groups reviewed previous concepts with a matching blends game, a word family game, and a short vowel game.
We started a new read aloud The Chocolate Touch. We have so many predictions about how this story might unfold...are John's parents behind it all? Was it the magic chocolate? Hmmm....Guess we'll have to keep reading!
Art, art and more art! We've done 100th day of school art, shape art, and will be doing rain forest art! We will be learning about birds of the rainforest and will create a class mobile with watercolored birds!
February 4, 2010
Mission to Mars and More!
February 12th - Half-day and Valentine's Day Party
February 15th-19th - Mid-Winter Break
Friday Workshop
Sitting behind the controls might seem like a simple task but what if you are spinning around and around at the same time?! Gathering samples and doing simple repairs doesn't sound too difficult. Although wearing giant puffy gloves adds a bit of challenge!
All is well on the Gemini!
Building up pressure....keep pumping...lift off!
Can you put the pieces together to build the tallest possible structure that will receive maximum sunlight for solar power? Hmm......
There is just nothing easy about a mission to Mars, even walking is a challenge!
Houston, we have a problem...
This is mission control...turn the air filter off. Open hatch H...yes we see you, look to your left...
And a visit to the tropical butterfly house was a great start to our study of rainforests!