The Community Newsletter

This Blog provides semi-weekly updates on our classroom activities--pick your child's class.

February 9, 2012


On Monday, we filled in our 90th day of school on our calendar!!  Half way through the year!  Wow! Everyone has grown so much, in so many ways.  January flew by and was a short month with all our snow days but we managed to fit in amazing work.  Here are a few highlights...

We spend time learning about  the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. We made sweet birthday cards for him, thanking him for his work and sharing our own dreams that we have for the world.  We were all set to have a  birthday celebration (with his favorite pie-pecan pie, complete with candles) but the weather had different plans for us that week. :)

Birthday card for MLK
 We celebrated Chinese New Year (thank you parents for organizing this for us!) with lantern making and a dragon dance.

Dragon dance

 We had our first trip of the year to the Thurston County Food Bank.  The kids worked so hard sorting and organizing food for the FORKids program  The program is a school school backpack meal program which assists local children in need.  Two days worth of kid-friendly foods are provided on Fridays at area elementary schools. 

Counting protein items at the food bank.  Such hard workers!

1 comment:

  1. Love these updates! Thank you for sharing the richness of your days with our kiddos.
